LIB | LYCategory

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# LYCategory

The categories.

## Installation

#### Cocoapods
Just put this↓ in your Podfile, then run 'pod install'.

# LYCategory
pod 'LYCategory', :git=>''

#### Git submodule

Use command `git submodule`.

#### Files

Or you can just download and unzip the file, put them in your project.

## features

#### NSString
##### Input
[@"" isEmpty];
// YES

[@"" isEmail];
// YES
##### Encrypt
##### Date
[@"2016-06-29" dateWithFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
// NSDate object
##### Size
[@"bla bla bla" widthWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12]];
##### Speed
[@"carrot" isOneOfThem:@[@"flower", @"carrot", @"potato",]];
// YES

#### NSURL

##### Speed
NSInteger tid = 10504;
[NSURL URLWithFormat:@"", @(tid)];

#### NSUserDefaults

##### Speed
[NSUserDefaults setObject:@"thatMustBeTrue" forKey:@"space.luoyu.testApp.config.isThatTrue"];


and etc.